structure of symbol

英 [ˈstrʌktʃə(r) ɒv ˈsɪmbl] 美 [ˈstrʌktʃər əv ˈsɪmbl]

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  1. The empirical research of the consumption structure of the families in S town shows that consumption is not just meaningless symbol game, but opposed to the concept of the status.
  2. Indeed, the distinctive, concrete, shell-like structure of the Sydney Opera House has made it the internationally recognized symbol of Australia's largest city.
  3. The double-part model design method reduces burden of running GIS platform system, improves functions of creating map symbols by not modifying structure of GIS platform system and introduces a new idea of using the same map symbol database by different GIS platform system.
  4. As far as the social structure is concerned, the formation of the virtual community is an important symbol of the network society's appearance.
  5. The symbolic coding, vector and raster storing structure of map symbols, are introduced in this paper, the pattern symbol library and a design of the management sub system of the pattern symbols for multi resources geoinformation systems are established primarily.
  6. The language analysis method starts at semasiology, including the analysis of structure of significance, symbol and metaphor-highlight and so on, and reaches the ontological root of understanding via reflective.
  7. With the use of oriented-object technology and design pattern idea, it implements the class structure of lexical analysis, data structure, symbol table and syntax parsing.
  8. Of the structure of the main dictionary, the controlling symbol and the character symbol were mainly introduced.
  9. Algorithm based on structure of OFDM symbol;
  10. The Data Structure Design of the Symbol Base in the Cartographic Algebra System
  11. China pro-vided the basic theory, aesthetic and model for Oriental flower arran-gement, and its floral art leaves a deep impression on line structure, natural arrangement, high level of artistic conception, meaning and symbol about flower itself and group.
  12. Statistic and Structure Integrated Approach of Symbol Recognition for Engineering Drawings
  13. Lie in possibility not that meaning of them produce at first these material of simultaneity of the symbioses with and putting, secondly the network structure formed of this kind of materialization symbol has productive the strong one.
  14. A work title with its particular structure and function is an independent piece of work, a recognizable symbol, and the real object of infringement in tort.
  15. The modem family takes the monogyny as the main structure. It is a rational choice of the human evolution, is also symbol of the civilized society.
  16. Chapter three presents the product concept scheme model based on the function and structure characteristics of symbol.
  17. The Structure of Symbol and the Grammar
  18. The structure analysis and design of interpolation filter for symbol synchronization are introduced, based on which a poly-phase structure of interpolation filter with high accuracy and low complexity is presented.
  19. Through research on the structure design and discrimination decision making about decision tree, recognition process of map symbol based on decision tree learning is provided.
  20. The structure of map symbol is discussed at first in this thesis which points out it is the important part of GIS system. The symbol structure is made based on composite pattern.
  21. The structure of Korean character is very complex and form a symbol set possessing a large number of characters.
  22. Fourthly, the first and the second frequencies are determined as index of health diagnoses through analyzing statistical characters of structure systematic free-frequencies got by experiments and checking prominence of the experiment datum by symbol test method in different damage modes.
  23. However, the negative functions involve the lost of truth, rationality and humanity which are caused separately by the intermediary form, open structure and popular consumption of symbol.
  24. Especially, the standardization of the structure and accessing interface of the map publishing symbol is discussed in detail.
  25. Second part of the analysis of ceramic art in the unique structure of space and emotion, using semiotics in the adjacent shaft axis and pedigree analysis of ceramic art in the deep point of view the implicit structure of ceramic works by expanding the symbol constituted.
  26. The symbol system has its internal structure and autonomy, so the relationship of each symbol must be taken into account.
  27. Combining the data flowing feature in DVB-T standard, introduced the regulations of the frame structure formation of OFDM symbol and the insertion of guard interval.
  28. The internal relationship between function information and structure information of the design objects is established with the symbol integration, the function resolution symbol model and the structure scheme symbol model are presented.
  29. It infers the simple structure of matching filter, also considers the relationship of speed and resource. Thirdly, the algorithm and the loop structure of symbol timing recovery are analyzed.
  30. Studies focused on contemporary narrative structuralism and formalism in two dimensions, structuralist studies focus on the language of the inner structure of symbol systems, rather formalist model focuses on the narrative structure.